  • authored by lefkenny
  • published Thu, May 30, 2002


" Union Whistle blower" FIRED

As often is the case when someone "blows the whistle" on corrupt union officials, there are always repercussions for the person blowing the whistle. Unions typically punish acts which try to bring honor an intergity to a union.

In this story it was the office manager of an Iron workers local in Regina who was fired for being a whistle blower. Along with the office manager, four members of the local made complaints with the commercial crimes section of the Regina Police in October of 2001 and in November 2001 the office manager of the Ironworkers local was fired.

The members of the Ironworkers local expressed concerns about inappropriate billing, including Air Canada flights, car repairs for the business manager and rent cheques for the locals' president. As well. the "whistleblowers" brought up the concerns about " double dipping ". "Double dipping is a term used when someone is paid twice for the same expense.

The office manager Linda Merk is presently pursuing her dismissal through a rare private prosecution whereby an individual prosecutes the case instead of the crown. Her argument is that Section 74 of the Saskatchewan Labour Standards Act makes it an offence to terminate an employee for making a report of wrongdoing to a lawful authority.
Linda Merk also brought up her dismissal to union officials. Will, they assist her in getting her job back? It is doubtful as unions frown heavily on members who disclose the dishonesty of their union officials.

Regina Police have requested a forensic audit of the Ironworkers books, but to date it has not yet been performed stated Sgt. Tom Fulcher of the Regina Police. Why has it not been done?
Are the Ironworkers lawyers helping and if so in what capacity?

Corruptions in unions is very common place, but rarely have members found a way to curb the dishonesty which really amounts to stealing from you or your ffellow members. If unions every want to have any real credibility with union members or non union members in the future, corruption must be curtailed. We must change how we run our unions and perhaps for Canadian Unions having tough legislation passed to combat such despicable acts.

For Sister Merk, the legislation was not tough enough to protect her job, her union local, and her fellow brother and sisters from a corrupt union official and that long union stick that cost sister Merk her union job.

Sister Merk and her fellow members of her local should be honored for their bravery. Our union movement needs more people like these members.



  • posted by HJFinnamore
  • Thu, May 30, 2002 7:22am

It's nice that the Saskatchewan police took an interest. Government agencies are usually loath to get involved in internal union affairs. The main reason being is that they expose the corrupt officials for what they are and the next thing you know, the members unanimously re-elect them to office.

The sad part is that the government agencies have no more idea of how some union elections are held than the average member does.

I wish the sister well; her work is definitely cut out for her. The union has more money than she will ever have. There will come a time when she is about to lose her house and other posessions that she will eventually relent and accept a huge cash payout to drop the case.

Hey, but you may never know, she might pop up a few years later and bite the corrupt officials' asses big time.

Somebody should invite her to visit this site.

  • posted by wannabeCAW
  • Thu, May 30, 2002 2:49pm

Good Luck to Sister Merk!
Thanks Mr aboutunions for informing us of this abhorable situation.
Please get Sister Merk to communicate with MFD WEwanna help!

  • posted by remote viewer
  • Thu, May 30, 2002 5:23pm

If you're visiting the MFD site, please contact us Linda. We would really be interested in knowing more about what you're doing and what your experiences have been.

There are a few of us insiders floating around here so you'll be in good company.

I think this private prosecution idea is something union reformers in Canada may want to look into. The Crown may not care but the people should do what they can.

  • posted by lefkenny
  • Thu, May 30, 2002 10:22pm

Union whistleblower wants her job back

According to the Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Linda Merk testified Wednesday that she wants to return to her job at the Regina Union Hall.

While on the stand, Linda Merk was asked by her lawyer:

"If reinstated, would you go back?"

"Yes, I would," Linda replied.

One can not help but admire the personal qualities that this lady leads her life by. Good luck Linda

Linda Merk claims she was fired from her job as office manager after making allegations about the misuse of funds at Ironworkers local 771.

Ironworkers Local Union No. 771
1235 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4R 2R4
Phone: (306)522-7932
Fax: (306)352-7367


  • posted by licatsplit
  • Fri, May 31, 2002 8:49am

It's when these individuals like Linda come forward and show the strength of their character, their passion for upholding their principles, and just down right honesty, that it gives all reformers a burst of needed strength. It sheds a little sunshine on their lives. And in this process they are renewed in their intent to better everyones lives. Way to go Linda! You definately have my support!

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