  • authored by <Puk\KeFAce>
  • published Sun, Nov 16, 2003


Borders Books and Muzak workers are OUT ON STRIKE in beautiful downtown Ann Arbor Michigan, US fuckin A!

The piece of cardboard UFCW WINTERNATIONAL is froszen stiff in some kind of winnebago/skidoo that won't let them have no nice ice keep the eyze on the safeway price type press relice! you gotta make it on your own splice:


  • posted by siggy
  • Sun, Nov 16, 2003 11:14am

Try again please Puk\KeFAce, the blog link is erred.

I'm not surprised borders has been left to freeze by ufcw, they should be used to it by now. What are they doing about it and how can we help... ?

  • posted by BillPearson
  • Sun, Nov 16, 2003 9:31pm

This Borders strike is totally awesome. I never thought store 001 would do it. Best of all, they are using the net as well or better than anyone. Check it out here at Bordersunion.

Anyone wants to play, there are a couple of trolls who are as obnoxious as they come. Might have to go by and smash an bash the little freaks.

  • posted by <Puk\KeFAce>
  • Sun, Nov 16, 2003 10:26pm

i dimly rememorize psoting that massage.

i wood suggest that mass emails be sent to re

orgre demandicating a prize release. and not laying down on the job.

  • posted by remote viewer
  • Mon, Nov 17, 2003 7:00am

Wow, very cool blog! This is a great demonstration of how communications technology can be used by working people.

This is a great letter, btw. It's the kind of letter that we citizens should be writing to every employer-dinosaur that's screwing its workers in the name of profit.

Keep us posted on this strike. I have a feeling that we're going to see some exciting developments. The people are running this protest, not the machine heads.

  • posted by siggy
  • Mon, Nov 17, 2003 7:09am

yeah very cool blog. Too bad no-one link'd it. Took me the entire bloody weekend to find.

Lots of things a person can do to help eh, the message to the international sounds fun, I'm in.

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