  • authored by doug mackenzie
  • published Thu, Mar 28, 2002

UFCW or caw

communication of the language and acceptance of the membership that this is the way it is. Understanding that we can change it. As long as people are spreading anti-union hyprocracy than nothing will ever get done. If these members at maple grove are dedicated to the union cause, and not their own interests, than why don't they step up to the plate. At the daily shift meetings nobody says a word.
Maple Grove is $$$$ in everybody's pocket. Sorry guys , but at the end of the day like it or not that is what counts.
Lots of issues at Maple Grove.
Have the the the the vote already!!???
lets vote on MFD

  • posted by siggy
  • Thu, Mar 28, 2002 9:06pm

What is IRL?

  • posted by lefkenny
  • Thu, Mar 28, 2002 9:17pm

I am really tired of hearing people suggest solidarity only exists if you follow like cult members. For there to be any positive change there must be a realistic and mature outlook on what really is happening in all our unions. We can not go around pretending nothing is wrong and go home and spend our days of nights mindlessly playing with the remote.

I am unable to comprehend how any person can rationally not see that change is required.

Solidarity as I see it is a means of the big unions to maintain confomity and compliance.

Propaganda promises are easily written by the unions. Fulfilling these promises seems to be a tantamount task for the "biz" unions. I do not know about you but I like to get the best product or service for my dollar, and in a lot of cases we are just not getting that value. Why in the world do we have to keep a union if it not a valuable service??


  • posted by doug mackenzie
  • Thu, Mar 28, 2002 9:49pm

Your point is totally understood by all. Like any type of governing authority it has to dealt with on levels. WOW Listen corruption runs the labour movement. If you don't like the sound of that than go to school to become somebody. Conversation is education in this forum.
The last part of the question in regards to the 'biz'. Well, they do there stuff and we do ours. UNION the people. they react they act.

  • posted by siggy
  • Thu, Mar 28, 2002 10:42pm


Your point is totally understood by all.

You've missed the point. Accepting the machine corruption 'cause that's the way it is is just plain idiocy.


Like any type of governing authority it has to dealt with on levels.

The machine is not a governing authority, like About Unions said, the machine is a service.


WOW Listen corruption runs the labour movement.

That's the point and it needs to be stopped.


If you don't like the sound of that than go to school to become somebody.


Conversation is education in this forum.

Not all!


The last part of the question in regards to the 'biz'. Well, they do there stuff and we do ours.

Tired of them doing "their stuff" with our money!


UNION the people.

"Union the people" not the machineheads.


they react they act.

Don't get it!



United they fall!



No now!

  • posted by remote viewer
  • Fri, Mar 29, 2002 5:42am


If you don't like the sound of that than go to school to become somebody

Doug, are you suggesting that union members are "nobodies" or that the quality of representation they receive from their biz unions is what they deserve - because they are only working people? Just what do you mean by this comment?

  • posted by wannabeCAW
  • Fri, Mar 29, 2002 7:49am

Doug what is IRL?

  • posted by Scott Mcpherson
  • Fri, Mar 29, 2002 4:40pm


Maple Grove is $$$$ in everybody's pocket. Sorry guys , but at the end of the day like it or not that is what counts.

No that isn't what counts. Most of us have made it so and in doing that we've made ourselves no better than the employers we are always complaining are too greedy. Unions shouldn't be just about getting better wages for people, unions should also be about building better communities and better people.

I don't think every contract should be about the highest and lowest wage. What happened to quality of life? spending time with your kids? I don't want to see ATO's traded for wages I want to see more ATO's. We work hard all our lives and most of that time we're healthy, yet when we retire we loose our health and dental benefits and it's at that time in our lives when we need them most. Shouldn't unions be addressing that?

I'm really disappointed in people who join unions because they believe it's a free ride. Big money, no accountability and an excuse to be lazy. I'm equally disappointed in members who only think about themselves and their next raise. I've heard people talk about working 4 10's instead of 5 8's. I say we should be aiming at working 4 8's with 8 hrs ATO. I think we should be working to live not living to work. Our kids should have parents at home instead of being raised in childcare centers. A union member should never give the cost of health care a second thought for the rest of their lives.

We call each other "brother or sister" I certainly don't treat my brother or sister the way I see members treating each other. Signing contracts that let you keep yours while the new hires are prevented from getting the same. Think about just sold out your children and their future. How are they going to raise your grandchildren?

What disappoints me is that we've all become a mirror image of our employers. Greedy, self serving and selfish. For the past 15 yrs we've all voted on contracts that have taken from the new hires in order to keep what others fought so hard to provide for us. We've neglected our union and allowed opportunistic despots to seize control and pattern it after the very institutions it was formed to fight against. In the war on corporate greed we've lost in the worst way because we've all become the enemy. If we are ever going to turn it around we are all going to have to start thinging about the person working next to us and not just ourselves.

  • posted by remote viewer
  • Fri, Mar 29, 2002 5:18pm

That is one of the best explanations of what's wrong with the mainstream labour movement and especially the biz-unions, that I've ever seen.

  • posted by BillPearson
  • Fri, Mar 29, 2002 6:01pm

Scott Mcpherson: I've had a number of people question why i'm here. Let me just say, your last post is the reason. As i sat reading it, i found all of the good, the bad and the ugly of the labor movement contained in five short paragraphs. What's so exciting about your words is there is hope to rebuild that which we've lost. As a society, we thrive on greed. Enough is never enough. I know it exists, and i know we can change it. When the labor movement(leadership and membership) comes to grips with this being about us and we, not i and me, we will have workers fighting to get in.
So Scott, thanks for your thoughts. I can't think of a more appropriate way to celebrate this holiday(holy day) than for each of us to begin to imagine what we can do to make this space we take up a little bit better for one another.

  • posted by sleK
  • Sat, Mar 30, 2002 12:15am

So... uh, what is IRL?

  • posted by sleK
  • Sat, Mar 30, 2002 12:18am


If these members at maple grove are dedicated to the union cause, and not their own interests


Maple Grove is $$$$ in everybody's pocket. Sorry guys , but at the end of the day like it or not that is what counts

What was that you said about hypocrisy again? /sarcasm

  • posted by weiser
  • Sat, Mar 30, 2002 10:16am

Scott M and Bill P, I sense change. When people have the courage publicly to confront what is wrong and do so courageously, change is inevitable.

Too many times the words from labour unionist are pretty words, politically correct words, and expected words. Those pretty words are used to wrap hearts riddled with decay, so they look bright and vibrant. They are used to trick us into believing what we wish rather than what really is.

Both of you have spoken heart-felt words and truthful words. Corruption cannot withstand openness and truthfulness. Thank you both for being thoughtful, open, honest and truthful.

  • posted by wannabeCAW
  • Sat, Mar 30, 2002 6:29pm

UFCW or CAW??? Come on now!
One point of FACT the ufcw has now become notorious for accepting LONG
term contracts! The CAW has it in their Constitution no deals over 3 years unless authorized by the National President. Is this CAW clause detrimental to its members?(I think NOT)
Your ufcw think tank is thinking more about dues voluntary wrecks and UNDESERVED salary increases(when challenged OUT OF ORDER) rather than us the rank and file and our families. Sign me EMBARRASSED TO BE UFCW

  • posted by weiser
  • Sun, Mar 31, 2002 8:52am

What's amazing is that we rarely go beyond four years without a civic, provincial or federal election. We would be outraged if our voices were stifled for eight to 10 years. Yet the UFCW keeps stretching the limit.

Why go to union meetings? Why participate in union affairs? Your union exists to give you a voice in your workplace. If your voice is effectively silenced for 10 years, what's the point in participating in your union?

It's sort of like the "use it or lose it" theme. If you can only exercise your voice every 10 years, you forget how to use it. You become accustomed to being told, "that's the way it is until the next contract."

A 10-year contract is a promise to corporate shareholders that you will behave yourselves for 10 years, and it's a promise to the union leadership that they are politically safe for 10 years. What good would it do to change leaders or unions? A new leader or union is stuck with the same stinking contract for 10 years or whatever is left of the decade.

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